Spruce Up Your Resume in 30 Minutes

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4 Reasons to Use a Staffing Firm for Hiring
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Kick-Start a New Career with a “Temporary” Job
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If you haven’t updated your resume in the past few years then there’s a pretty good chance it’s looking out-of-date. In just the last 3 years, resume designs have gotten a complete makeover allowing each job candidate to add personal touches. This is a new concept for those who have been out of the job search arena for awhile. If you’re still listing out bullets in black and white, then you’re going to look behind the times.

Believe it or not, updating your resume doesn’t have to be stressful. We’ll walk you through it, and in just 30 minutes you can have a fresh new resume, ready to be sent!

Minutes 0-10: Redesign Your Resume

Redesign your resume in only 10 minutes? YES! All you need is this handy online trick.

Have you heard of Canva.com, yet? It’s an online design tool that lets you create an account for FREE. Once you setup your account, you can search templates. Type in “resume” and you’ll quickly find plenty of ideas to go with! Many of their templates are FREE or you can purchase others for $1 … yes, just $1! Here are a few of the free resume templates we liked on Canva.com.

Minutes 11-25: Update Your Text


Look through the job posting for keywords (ex. certifications, requirements, project management, team management, document processing, software experience, etc.), then make sure to sprinkle those throughout your resume.

Every industry and employer has slightly different jargon they use. Pay attention to what’s used in the job description so you can match it in your resume.

Action words

Use action words when describing your past job duties. Not sure where to start? Here are some of our favorites:

  • Analyzed
  • Communicated
  • Created
  • Programmed
  • Advanced
  • Conserved
  • Consolidated
  • Initiated
  • Delivered
  • Enhanced
  • Implemented
  • Lead
  • Organized
  • Produced
  • Launched
  • Coordinated
  • Executed
  • Improved
  • Oversaw
  • Planned
  • Built
  • Devised
  • Established
  • Reconciled

At the end of the day, make sure you’re not just repeating “responsible for” over and over on your resume.

Avoid duplicate words

This can be easier said than done when you’ve worked in the same industry for years with similar roles throughout your career. Thesaurus.com is going to become your BEST FRIEND. Maybe, you’ve already started with the word “organized” in a previous description? Look it up on Thesaurus.com to see what your other options are (ex. coordinated, formalized, cataloged, corrected, identified). You’ll quickly find replacement words to bring your text to life!

Minutes 26-30: Double Check the Basics

Whew! You’ve put a lot of work into updating your resume so far. Now let’s step back and double check some of the “small” things that can be overlooked:

  • Spell check – make sure you don’t have any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Font check – don’t try to get too fancy with your fonts. The easier your resume is to read and scan, the more attention it will get. And PLEASE do not use the Comic Sans font! This is one of the quickest ways to look out-of-date.
  • Document check – when saving your resume, put your FULL name in the document name. For example, use Sarah_Smith_Resume.docx, not just resume.docx. This makes it easier for the person reviewing and storing your resume to find it in their system

Looking for a New Opportunity?

Start looking at job openings listed with Westphal Staffing. For a personalized consultation, contact us today to speak with a recruitment specialist. We’ll talk about your skillsets, what you’re looking for, and any opportunities that might be a fit for you. In just a few minutes we can start planning your next adventure!